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Old February 27th, 2012, 10:28 AM

bbz bbz is offline
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Default Re: Ulmish Drain magic spell

Originally Posted by llamabeast View Post
Dominions has a lot of things like this to which there is no direct counter. For example how do you counter Wither Bones?
With fog warriors (I guess that doesnt classify as direct counter true but casting it turn 1 and turn 3 say. gives you decent enough protection)

Regarding drain magic making it dmg 15-20(fatigue) spell doesnt make army of gold/lead a full counter(although I admit its more direct than the fog/wither bones)
Although if it did 45 fatigue damage that would make it balanced I guess. And if it still feels too you could just prolongue the ammount of time it lasts to 18 turns and reduce damage by half

and yea I know that there are things that dont have counters in dominions, although I feel that its better for the balance to have a counter for something( Its like with the vine whips when they were always hitting making them the perfect weapon for any low attack SC's) As they were made to entangle low defence stuff they became balanced since it gave them a counter at certain cost(so another SC can decide to forego MR so that it can obtain more defence- if you are fielding huge armies of SC's hoding vine whips) Also I think giving everything a way to be countered contributes towards balance.

About the fatigue it surprised me aswell it could be because it wasnt the only spell that was on at the time. so all of them working together might have caused some bug. I'll test it again couple of times when I get the time to and give you results/ send you the files if you want to see what happened. I have cbm1.92 debug mod, singleagemod and llamastreamersandstandards. But I dont think its that.

Originally Posted by llamabeast View Post
"Key spell" doesn't mean "endgame spell".
My bad there I misunderstood you about that.

P.s. Also dont get me wrong about the fog warriors comment, I am not trying to tease you (maybe a little bit so just disregard it )

Although I do think you are doing a great job for this community and I am really thankful for that.
I am just trying to give some suggestions which seem reasonable to me and try to get other people from the community to state their opinions aswell. Since the last time I gave suggestions about some things that cant be modded thus aggravating some of the people on the other forums. Now I am trying to keep the suggestions simple : chance AN damage to Normal or AP. That kindoff thing.

Last edited by bbz; February 27th, 2012 at 10:49 AM..
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