Originally Posted by Shangrila00
The gold cost is fine. Ulm pays for it by being forced to take production 3, and building high admin forts placed for maximum access to resources rather than other factors. The Ulmish war machine is incredibly slow to get rolling or react to the unexpected since all their major troops are move 1 and resource limitations means armies are made up of trickles drawn from every fort rather than massed at the target border. This is also highly thematic, and if necessary, resource costs can be bumped up even higher on blackplates to further emphasize it. I doubt it though given the nerfs we know are coming.
Though given that the theme of blackplates is that they are just regular troops with superb equipment, their stats really ought be bumped back to standard Ulmish except for the morale. It's unthematic for them to have any stat advantages not derived from equipment.
I would have agreed with tht "forced to take production 3" prior to the recent changes to the scales, but with the income boost from production its no longer really true that taking production 3 is such a bad thing. Prod 3 order 3 with a rainbow geared to get getting Ulm diversity is VERY powerful.
As far as mobility goes. Map move 1 for heavy infantry is standard across the entire game. Almost every other human nation with heavy infantry only has MM 1 on them: Arco, pythium, ermor, man, machaka, etc. etc. Ulm is not unique in this. What they don't have that others do is a light/medium infantry.
My main objection still stands. Buffing the blackplate does nothing to cure the real problem of Ulm, lack of magic access as the game moves on. All it does is make them a crazy tough opponent for the first 30 turns, and drain magic is a gimmick that makes tough beyond that.