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Old February 27th, 2012, 10:53 PM

legowarrior legowarrior is offline
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Default Re: Jomon: The Courts of the Ryu

We are considering some changes to the Ryujin right now. One is giving them Holy 1, so that they can bless themselves and cast 2 of the national jomon spells (one being mediation, which might be useful).
One of the changes that I'm putting forward is that the Ryujin can domain summon Shikigami in territories that have high Magic domain, just like the Pan have summons in lands of high turmoil.
This era is very magical, what with all the Kamis and dragons running around, so it is thematic that if the land if very magically, more minor spirits would show up, like Shikigami. (The Shikigami are the battle summons that Onmy-ji summon. They have 3 movement, and so should be able to keep up with a raiding party, and are sacred)
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