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Old February 28th, 2012, 08:56 AM

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Default Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

Originally Posted by Torgon View Post
Ehhh... its not that bad. He was in a pretty hopeless situation, and wouldn't have been able to do that much to resist anyway. I just got a seige on his capital (and only fort), and he was being attacked by both Ulm and Argatha as well. And he only had two mages in the capital at the time so he wouldn't even of had the option of racing up conj for some quick defenders.

I would place a be wary sticker on him, but I wouldn't go so far as not allowing him in any other games.
Yeah, maybe you're right, but I do think that going AI without warning is a pretty poor move, even if you're certain to lose. But the fact that he just joined a random game on llamaserver is almost as bad, in my opinion, even if he eventually made his way to this thread.
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