Originally Posted by BewareTheBarnacleGoose
Originally Posted by Corinthian
As for LA Man, they seem scholastic to me, what with all their mages graduating college. Maybe they should have a research bonus on their ministers?
Magisters are already good researchers for the cost, I dont think they need a research boost.
What I would like to see as a theme for LA Man is something related to "The Curse". It's all over their flavor text, but it doesnt have much effect other than explaining their immunity to drain scales.
There are a lot of references to keeping The Curse "contained". Maybe they could get some kind of national spell where they release it, spreading drain scales and weakening magic beings across the world? It would be easy to make the latter part overpowered, but I think that it fits well with the theme of dying magic, and gives Man a shot at the lategame by leveling the playing field a bit.
Yeah, elaborating on the Curse theme would be the way to go, though it's difficult I understand to do that, just given how vague and nebulous it is. My suggestion would also be to perhaps give LA Man some more unique conjuration for some mid/Late-game thug/SC chassis, like an undead Tuatha Lord. They already have an undead Bean Sidhe with E1A1D1 (very expensive costs for the magic though, 15 death gems on a nation without native death income and only a 25% chance of death on a judge). Perhaps tie together LA Man with Eriu/Tir'Na'Nog themes, albeit with dead Sidhe/Tuatha? The Curse could be the Curse of the Sidhe for despoiling the land and disturbing their tombs, or somesuch. The Bean Sidhe I was talking about would make for a nice chassis in and of itself with ethereal, glamor, stealth, and cold & poison resistance built in and access to some earth/air alterations (but not high enough for either: no access to either Soul Vortex or Cloud Trapeze or Mistform hurts that, plus undeath). Bargarests are, with a cursory glance, quite decent, plus stealthy (though again the price is rather high for a nation without native death gems and no native way of summoning them [D2]). So give them an undead Ri chassis with ethereal and glamor (like the Bean Sidhe) with A2E1D3, and Man has a mini-SC right there, with Cloud Trapeze into Mistform+Soul Vortex+Iron skin+Resist Lightning+blessing (essentially a better version of the Wraith Lord with Stealth, though still undead and no immortal). All of it also fits the theme that you kind of get out of the summons LA Man has already. Perhaps Morrigans too, since Fomoria can also be leveraged with Baragests already in. I would also suggest increasing some of the chances of magic on judges (or take out the fire portion and just give it 50% death), so they have a route to leverage those summons (and/or also up the patrol bonus, so they can go the Bogarus or T'ien C'hi route more effectively with Judges). Perhaps think about giving Magisters Arcane some more randoms to allow them to diversify? Hesitant to touch on regular Magisters because of how cheap they are and how awesome some of their bonuses are (Spy, 15 siege/defense bonus, 70 gold?!?!?!), but perhaps rethink their paths/chances abit (because I don't know, A1 or E1 by themselves don't stand out to me, unless you also get the S1 random [and in that case, you're probably going to be using them to fuel a Magister Arcane communion], who already provide you with the Wind Guide/Flaming Arrows [with a F1 random+Crystal shield+Phoenix+2 slaves, and can case Earth Evos with E2 earth powering and communioning]).
Perhaps give them more stealth/glamor in a manner similar to Tir'Na'Nog or EA Helheim? Magisters are spies naturally (though don't have much magic paths to allow them to do much with it besides), and their unique summons (Bargarests and Bean Sidhe) are also stealthy. Would also give spy Magisters a use (an S one running with the rest of the stealthy army to prevent mind-hunts and the like, etc,). Combine that with the missile spam that is Man's midgame and you have an extremely impressive midgame right there (counterable quite easily however), with some better late game potential with a good chassis or two. Undead Formorian giants in addition to undead Tuatha? Maybe give Wardens a bigger thematic touch to them, beyond being the same ported over from MA. Sorta like Ghoul Guardians. Defenders are already pretty nice (though high resource costs: still, crossbows on kite shield infantry with decent stats, nice blockers/additions to longbow spam), and Knights are still good in small amounts. Perhaps give them another stealth troop other than Wardens that can be leveraged early on for raiding?
/end random LA Man spiel: I don't even play them that much so not sure if any of this is a good idea/potentially OP