Re: Your biggest Doh moment...
here's one that happened today.
i am a super newbie. i took a really good early game nation, and things were going really, really well. good diplo, some real sight searching luck, blah blah blah
one of my expansion armies marches into a province and is surprised by some indi death mages. we whoop em anyway. i notice that there is death sight that spawnes disease. i high tail it outta there so my expo force doesn't get sick...
but i gotta sight search cause i have a rainbow with D2, and i just KNOW there is a cool death sight there...
and there was. and i can even recruit indi mages there(found it on the search) who can diversify my woefully indiversified nation.
whee is the DOH? one turn in the province, and my rainbow, who is all that stands between me and magical poverty, is diseased.
poor dumb newbie...