Originally Posted by triqui
Originally Posted by Immaculate
I am willing to concede the game to atlantis but will continue for as long as someone thinks the tittle is in dispute.
Ok, I agree with you now, I am willing to concede the game to atlantis too.
Well, how 'bout we put it to a vote to determine where the game'll go from here. I'll abstain since I'm obviously in "conflict of interest" territory, plus it means there won't be a tie.
Also, two suns?! We of Atlantis take that as a personal insult. Heck we consider one sun to be pushin' it. We'd be angrier but we figure with Marignon so full of old mages, they probably did that just so they wouldn't have to keep turning the thermostat up. It's official, LA Marignon is the Florida of Dark Fantasy.