Re: Pretender astral
rainbow armour + lead shield + starshine skullcap and Amulet of Antimagic (add in Mage Bane and Amon Hotep for the extra wow effect)makes it highly unlikely that they will be able to kill your pretender mind hunting him.
they would need to create several mindhunters and equipt them with rune smashers and other penetration boosters and even then chances are small that the pretender will fall down to mind hunt. (and those penetration items will cost your enemies a fortune so it is highly unlikely for them to be even cost effective to kill your pretender)
another think you can do give him decentish MR-26ish and move him together with 10-15 scouts. Your opponents will spend a fortune trying to kill 20-gold scout. and when it hits your god its still not very likely to kill it.
Last edited by bbz; March 1st, 2012 at 11:54 AM..