Originally Posted by Olm
So Luck cancels 50% of blows and magic hits.
What does that include?
Blows are rather clear.
Direct magic damage also, AOE damage is also covered.
But what about poison for example? Can it only prevent getting poisoned, or does it also prevent the subsequent poison damage?
Pretty sure it's the former. If you do get poisoned, just walk it off you ninny.
And what about unresistable effects, like from Song of Power or Life for a Life? Does it work there?
I don't know about those, but I did tests with Magic Duel and luck doesn't seem to do squat there. If you lose, you still die. That being said, I did not test it thoroughly - I simply did 3 or 4 tests with lucky guys magic duelling each other, and someone died each time so I called it a day. Small sample size, I know.
And what with globals like Seeking Arrow or Mind Hunt or Flames from the Sky?
Per the wiki, luck does seem to protect from Seeking Arrows.