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Old March 2nd, 2012, 10:33 AM

legowarrior legowarrior is offline
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Default Re: Jomon: The Courts of the Ryu

Gentleman, BEHOLD!
We have an update which we are officially calling 1.1, but what I am calling 'pretty nifty.'

So, here is the change log!

1) The Crab General can now be recruited from your capital.
2) The Ryujin can now be leader 80 normal troops and 40 magical troops
3) The Ryujin now casts Divine Blessing at the start of ever battle.
4) Added the Shachihoko to the MA Jomon (details below)
5) Added 4 new battle spells
6) Added 4 rituals

New Units
Shachihoko - Small sharks (size 1) with a tigers head. Very fast, ethereal and sacred, but not very powerful.

New Combat Spells

Level 4 Conjuration
Conjure Shikigamis. Astral-2, costs 1 pearl. Summons 4+ Shikigam to battle.

Conjure Shachihoko. Underwater only. Water-1, costs 1 water gem. Summons 5+ shachihoko.

Level 7 Conjuration.
Conjure Shikigami Flock. Astral-2, costs 2 pearls. Summons 15+ Shikigami

Conjure Shachihoko School. Underwater only. Water 1, costs 2 water gems. Summons 18+ Shachihoko.

New Ritual Spells

Level 3 Conjuration
Summon Shikigami. Astral-2, Cost 2 pearls. Summons 10 Shikigami

Summon Shachihokos. Underwater only. Water-2, costs 2 water gems. Summons 14 Shachihoko.

Level 8 Conjuration
Summon Shikigami Flock. Astral-4, Costs 10 pearls. Summons 40 Shikigami

Summon Shachihoko School. Underwater only. Water-4. Costs 10 Water Gems. Summons 55 Shachihoko.

That is the bare bones of it. You can download the newest version.

Feedback is welcome!
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