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Old March 2nd, 2012, 10:47 AM

Knai Knai is offline
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Default Re: Some beginner gameplay and strategies questions

Originally Posted by Zywack View Post
I didn't have the chance to try out Earthquake yet (2 Earth is the best late age T'ien Ch'i gets so it takes some effort to cast a 4 earth spell in battle) but I'll be sure to do so before the game is over for learning sake.
You have everything you need already, and should be able to get this up quickly, as the research is more than covered.
Step 1) Craft Earth Boots.
Step 2) Troll King's Court.
Step 3) Transfer Earth Boots to Troll King.
Step 4) Load Troll King up with gems.
Step 5) Script Summon Earthpower, Earthquake, Earthquake. With that, the fatigue isn't even that bad, and the reinvig will let the Troll King cast a few more spells.

Regarding immortal units - I'm reasonably sure that it works like this.
1) They die.
2) They respawn, and attack the defenders.
3) They probably die again.
4) They stay dead.

With that said, I'm basing this on what happens after they die in a successful storming attempt, so that might not be quite correct.
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