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Old March 5th, 2012, 08:42 PM
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Default Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

First it was Fomoria who was ruthlessly slaughtered by C'tis, but we did nothing. Then they came after Hinnom, who was mercilessly invaded by these cold-blooded monsters, but this time aided by their opportunistic neighbors, Sauromatia, whose weak-minded women leaders let themselves be beguiled by the sinister reptiles. And still we do nothing -- even as Hinnom barely clings to life behind the walls of his last fortress.

The Emorian High Command has had enough and has launched strikes against their unholy alliance and calls upon the noble nations to do their duty and join in the crusade to rid the land of this scaly menace.

Sauromatia, if you lay down your arms and cede your lands to my wise governance, we'll be willing to forgive your unnatural transgressions. As a gesture of our goodwill, We'll let you retain your capital, although we demand war reparations, all future gem production, and wives for my commanders -- including my Bane Lords (they aren't so bad once you get to know them).
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