Originally Posted by Nosantee
Originally Posted by Legendary League
In other news, the RNG gods have compensated me for my early game failures and given me two Members of the Third Tier, one F2S2B2 and the other F2S3B3. 
How does that work? Just two lucky events in a row? Guess we're gonna see your research spike here soon!
I continue to fight on with my nothing but 15 gold provs. Screw you, RNG!
Two hero events (Third Tier are multi-heroes). Granted, I kinda wanted the Flying Immortal Vampire Count of Doom (even if he does raise unrest! Such a powerful thug right there that could've helped out my expansion), or Ghoul Guardian Freespawn Man, but practically instant access to flaming arrows means I can't complain (I'm no Bogarus in research, but I'll make it work).