Originally Posted by BewareTheBarnacleGoose
How do you guys feel about aquatic nations? I notice that some people dont like to play with them. If you do, I would be interested in EA R'leyh.If not, I could pick something else.
Personally I have nothing against them, we had Atlantis in our previous game... they are another layer on the strategical level; without them, water provinces are really just a landmark. It may be feasible to have 2 of them on a bigger map though.
Originally Posted by jimbojones1971
Looks like MightyPeon is already in a lot of games, and will need to sit this one out.
Can I suggest Urraparrand as the map? It's 145 land + 35 sea provinces, and (as the name suggests) is rap-around map, so no corners.
Map boils down to how many players we end up with. I'd like to keep the recruiting phase going a little longer than before, simply because I have to wrap up few things IRL and should be ready to commit fully by the end of this week. But I agree it is a nice similar-sized map we had before.
Added the rest of you to the Grand List of Honor.

Welcome aboard.