Originally Posted by Lung Drago
Not everyone has a nation picked yet, but I'm OK with it. We have now some breathing space to discuss the map. Since we amount to 18 players, we need a somewhat bigger map indeed. So, what lands shall host our epic carnage?
Cradle of Dominion and Glory of the Gods both seem appealing to me. There's also Westeros, but that map is...unique and would certainly make for an..interesting game indeed. Thoughts?
Cradle seems to be too crowded, though it's certainly an option. ~12ish provinces per player definitely sounds like a challenge, though some bless-rush nations will do a good job messing up late game nations if they're map positioned poorly. Orania (with the special sites turned off, via llamaserver), or Glory of the Gods (the MP version) offer much more room for players (though since Orania has much larger fronts, chokepoints are rare: GotG seems to me a happy medium between the two maps). But that's my vote.
EDIT: Regarding score graphs suggestion above: I don't consider graphs off as a newbie friendly option. It sure is more...realistic, but you do have uses for spies even with graphs on. Not to mention llamaserver has it's own graphs anyway, these aren't turned off I think?
To the second, they turn off if you turn off score graphs. That's what happened with the BSoD game I've been running (and really, the diplomacy and intel sharing has, thus far, been quite dynamic [at least from what I've experienced). To the first, that's one way of looking at it. Another is that it means players need to interact and communicate more (thus room for more RP!), and it doesn't necessarily punish someone for doing well. I understand entirely of course if you'd prefer to leave it on, it just seems to be more interesting.