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Old March 6th, 2012, 11:49 PM

Legendary League Legendary League is offline
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Default Re: Power Beyond Comprehension aka "My power is still raising!" newbie game - Recruit

Originally Posted by megawidget View Post
I'd like score graphs on, if only to keep track of my own incompetence!

Since I'm not yet decided on Yomi (looks like they might suck only slightly less in CBM compared to vanilla), I could play as Atlantis if it looks like the maps you're choosing from have too many water provinces for just R'lyeh. Otherwise I'm also considering Mictlanka, just to try my hand at blood magic -- something I haven't played around with yet.
Ah blood magic.

Both Lanka and Mictlan were effectively nerfed this CBM with the removal of SDR (they rely on hordes of cheap B1 hunters with SDRs to accumulate masses of slaves). LA, in my opinion, is a better age to try out blood (also much fiercer competition: Ulm, Bogarus, Abysia, Marignon, Midgard, Utgard, and Mictlan [Patala to an extent] all compete for the same summons). Though Mictlanka are still definitely really good (blood is awesome tree to get into. Especially when combined with Astral. How many send horrors do you need to cast till you send out a Doom horror, you think? )
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