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Old March 7th, 2012, 01:08 AM

Legendary League Legendary League is offline
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Default Re: Power Beyond Comprehension aka "My power is still raising!" newbie game - Recruit

Originally Posted by megawidget View Post
I've read that blood magic is incredibly powerful. But yes, I've noticed that they effectively got nerfed in CBM. On the upside though sabbaths no longer use blood slaves, so that might make up for it. Slightly.
Doesn't really matter too much. Blood really needed the nerfbat, have to say. When someone with absolutely no blood access (MA Ulm, for example) can blood hunt and empower someone to start up a moderate blood economy (to get blood stones), something's broken. Still an amazingly powerful school though. Claws of Inferno/Cocytos is amazing against SCs, and combining horror marking with send/call horrors (or the occasional Hellpower suicide sabbaths) can be extremely difficult to deal with.

That being said, blood does have counters. Wishing armageddons hurts blood economies really badly, for example, and unrest raising remotes/thug raiding also hurts them. Spies too, for that matter. It's also so micro intensive, esp. Mictlan (who need to constantly blood sac to maintain dominion).

But yeah, try it out. Blood summons are awesome (get em before I do, because the 'heim's also have blood hunting potential through Vanjarls [got buffed so they have 50% chance for B2, so they're better hunters without SDR].
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