March 7th, 2012, 05:12 PM
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Burlingame, CA
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a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
This game is intended for people who, like me, have nil multiplayer experience with Dominions 3, and want to try their hand at a comparatively quick game. I will be running this on llamaserver. Yes, I have no experience doing so. I'm sure this will turn out fine. 
Age......: Early Age.
Settings.: All default, except renaming is allowed and HoF 15.
Mods.....: CBM 1.92; Streamers & Standards (this one is purely cosmetic)
Players #: 10 (we hit capacity, but no-one will be left behind!)
Map......: Land of Ethereal Squirrels (even more finaler version)
Diplomacy: Formal mutual agreements should be adhered to to the letter, but not necessarily the spirit. Honor trades. Otherwise anything goes!
Turn Freq: 48h quickhost, to be adjusted as necessary when turns get longer. I'll try to be understanding and not let players stall.
Other....: In part due to the low number of players, I would strongly recommend that players never go AI and fight to the bitter end. Once again, this is A Learning Experience!
Adam J - T'ien Ch'i
Aderion - Caelum
jotwebe - Pangaea
KeithZ - Yomi
mattyburn7 - Helheim
megawidget - Mictlan
Procyon Lotor - Arcoscephale
samoht - Niefelheim
shard - Agartha
ulius - Atlantis
Game URL:
How to upload pretenders:
Use 'ALearningExperience' in the subject when emailing llamaserver.
Last edited by megawidget; March 14th, 2012 at 06:13 PM..
Reason: changing status