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Old March 8th, 2012, 03:12 PM

bbz bbz is offline
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Default Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)

Well I think that there were some rumours about forge of Ulm being about to be removed. I'd be ok with Ulm if we make a rule that forge of Ulm is not to be used or something like that, that should make it a bit more balanced.(on top of other things that are not balanced about Ulm atm) But I'd rather have them banned.
The problem with Agartha is that it's like a Nut-shell. At early game there are not many nations that can go through their pd alone not to mention if its supported by an army. So while you can fight them at your own land if they conquer something of yours you canno't in any way take it back cost effectively.(which should hamper a lot Sacred rush nations or if your starting position requires you to go for an early war with EA agartha (say you cannot expand unless you fight a war with them) Also there are some rumours that the Darkness is going to be removed in the next CBM so that is enough reason for me to think that its unbalanced and I wouldn't mind having them banned as well)
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