Actually, I did some testing now and we apparently need to change the map anyway. Glory of the Gods is too small.
While number of provinces would be kinda fine, the real problem is that a good chunk of it is "unusable" - swamps and wastelands. I attempted to do a fixed start position version of the map for us, ran a web script I found on the net and got all provinces with <5 neighbours flagged nostart. Then I did some debugging and noticed some spawns are simply too close to each other. So, I sat down to it and went for it manually.
I tried my best, but the highest number of players you can cramp on this map is 15, with 2 being water. Adding any more would be too insane and balance would go instantly off the charts.(Even now some are somewhat too close, with mere 3 province space between them). It could go to 16 if we had another water nation, since the map actually looks useable by 3 sea nations. But some spawns still invoke a feeling of claustrophobia.
So, I highly suggest switching the map. Since choosing a useable map turned out to be a complex alchemy, and since I have nothing better to do today anyway, I will inspect several maps and attempt to come up with a new list. There is still an option of generating a map for us, aswell