Originally Posted by Zywack
1) LA C'Tis has unique priest spells like Royal Protection. The spell description states that it affects an entire undead army. I had a small army consisting of C'Tis longdeads, undead chariots and undead wyrms and casted the spell with a Lizard King. The thing is, only about a third of my undeads got the Magic Resist boost with no rhyme or reason that I could figure out.
Learn to read and understand what "magic resistance negates" means. It is in the spell description.
Originally Posted by Zywack
2) Patala early expansion.
Not every nation is strong in the early game. Some nations need 3 turns to gather their starting army. Also, overpartrol, pick a scales build.
Patala is a hard nation to play just because you have so many choices but you need to pick the right ones for the situation.
Originally Posted by Maerlande
Patala Expansion
Your sacreds are terrible. Ignore them. Buy elephants. Simple enough. Some bandar warriors for morale boost helps. And some markata screens. Get your research running solid and you have the body ethereal trick to use.
Originally Posted by Zywack
That's a pretty depressing tally!
Yeah, rocks fall everybody dies is kind of a theme. Compare it to how the increase of science exploration and rationality has decreased our stories about fairies, elves, etc. Magic fades as the ages go on.