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Old March 9th, 2012, 11:56 AM

Zywack Zywack is offline
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Default Re: Some beginner gameplay and strategies questions

Originally Posted by Soyweiser View Post
Learn to read and understand what "magic resistance negates" means. It is in the spell description.
Meh, that'll teach me to check things on the wiki instead of the game itself. I didn't think about the spell being resistable when I was playing yesterday but I did think about that possibility this morning before making my post... Since the wiki doesn't state that it's affected by MR I simply assumed it wasn't. I should have rechecked in the game itself before making the post, sorry.

Regarding the Naga Warriors being useless, does that still apply to CBM? If I'm not mistaken, they have Awe +0 added compared to the vanila version. Does that pull them out of the completely useless category? I know it'd be foolish to go with a specific strategy for them (Capitol only, size 3 with low hp for infantry, high encumbrance but not necessarily out of whack compared to other heavy infantry) but they don't look like such horrible buys thanks to the high protection, awe and not-insane gold cost. I'll admit that Awe in late age is probably less effective though considering just how many skeletons and mindless units there are, though...

Good point about the magic fading.

Thanks for the elephant walkthrough, Shardphoenix! Regarding Dreamlands... Yeah, I suppose that based on the point of view of a few of the ruling elite it's nice but I doubt all their population, citizens and the rest of the world at large would agree
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