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Old March 10th, 2012, 01:03 AM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Good Indie Troops

Indy commanders, mages, scouts, priests and archers. Okay, and depending on the situation sometimes woodsmen with blowpipes, wolf tribe warriors, and light infantry can be worth buying, especially the ones with javelins. Sometimes you can find sacreds, the jade lizard riders being generally the best of those. Or sometimes you'll run into a province that lets you recruit elephants, which is another sometimes-useful one. Other than that there's not much that you'd generally want.

I like how torgon and I said basically the same thing. And yeah, hoburg crossbowmen are just awesome. 8g5r for a crossbow, that's all you need right there.

It's worth noting that the recruitable amphibians suck pretty badly, but it's true that they'll help you get into the water. And occasionally ichtyids can be worth recruiting in small numbers just for the nets they carry.
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