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Old March 10th, 2012, 06:54 AM
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Default Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [filled]

Now that we're filled we have to pick a map.

I propose we use the Land of Ethereal Squirrels:

Outside of the obvious perk of having ethereal squirrels, it has 103 land + 13 sea provinces, with 11.444 provinces for each land player, and 13 for the one water player. This should make for a reasonably paced game even with 10 players.

ulius, you'll have to pick a water nation for this one as we have all the land nations we need. Which should be fun! I'm personally a huge fan of water nations, though I have no justification for that whatsoever -- I guess I just like lurking.

If there are no counter proposals, I'll host the game on llamaserver tomorrow night (I am GMT -8) and players will be able to upload pretenders.
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