Originally Posted by Vanguard X
Originally Posted by Lung Drago
I say let's go with Alexander....
Ok, can you put up a link to the map plz?
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com//showthread.php?t=37295 here it is, I'll place it on the first post when I get to it (after Anaconda makes his choice)
Oh and to answer a previous question, as far as diplomacy goes, I guess you can use whatever you and your partner agree on, but PM's tend to be most handy. You can of course send in-game messages, but that's a pretty slow method. Also, this forum thread is a useful little Europa 1400: The Guild notice board you can use for an efficient broadcast, sending your mind-controlling frequencies to control the masses and turning their brain level down so they'll end up shambling zombies, mhwahwahwahwhaa! Bow before me, Ainselm, the Prince of Terror !!!