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Old March 13th, 2012, 02:13 PM

Excist Excist is offline
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Default Re: March Madness Newb/Intermediate Game (EA, CBM 1.92) (7/12)

Hi, I've completed 2 and in 4, 1-2 of which will probably end soon and the other 2, my strata are very simple so I don't foresee having to spend too long on those turns.

I'm trying to decide if I have the time for a 5th, but this is tempting both due to the settings (including the high resource/income) and I'm seeing a lot of my fav peeps in here.

Please hold a spot for me and I'll try to decide tonight if I'm in and select a race from what's available.

My fav race so far is Agartha but I'm always willing to throw some training wheels on a new race and give it a spin.

Also, to support my vote for the scales/research settings, Id like to point out that adjusting both is more balanced than adjusting 1

If you slow down research then you are giving bless strats a boost, whereas if you increase income/resources then you give scales a boost (since each additional +6% from Order becomes effectively +8% for example, and each -6% from sloth becomes -8% after the + 25% modifier and so on for the rest of the scales).

Doing both changes keeps the bless strat nations balanced with the Eco/research nations.
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