I do appreciate your offer, and I thank you for it, but do you have positively ridiculous amounts of free time by any chance ?
I ask, and I hope I don't sound too much like an arse doing so, because signing on to too many games is a common new player mistake - I made it too. I know I tend to overthink stuff, but 2 staggered games already seem like a big time sink to me, so 5 at once might be overreaching.
Dominions is a treacherous game in that the first 20 or so turns of a game just fly by ; but then between the diplomacy, the time spent thinking strategery & planning, paying attention to what the neighbours are doing, experimenting this or that risky or new trick in the Debug mod before committing to it "for real", and just generally wrangling with the UI you can easily end up spending multiple hours on a single turn of a single game come mid-game.
So my concern would not be that you're a new player - there are some in both games - but rather that you could end up overwhelmed or burned out on the game altogether.