Originally Posted by shard
Whats the significance of the vp provs?
Restricting diplo to just in-game makes for much faster play since you can just concentrate on the game mechanics.
PMs means you wait for replies to your messages so you could end up waiting til the last possible moment before uploading your turns (or worse, forget entirely!)
I prefer the former unless I am playing a specifically AAR-heavy game (The creative writing bit takes ages....) but I`m ok either way.
I think you can win the game by accumulating enough victory points you get by holding victory provinces for a certain amount of time.
As far as diplomacy goes I'm personally using forum PMs because, frankly, in-game messaging system really sucks. Also, I *am* considering doing AARs for all my games, so having raw texts around will come in handy. Email is fine too, in fact it is better probably as I'm more likely to respond to an email when I receive it than to a PM which requires me to be active on the forums.