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Old March 14th, 2012, 12:18 PM

momfreeek momfreeek is offline
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Default Re: momfreeek's new magic item browser!

Originally Posted by bbz View Post
Thanks that helped and now it works.
it works now? IE is a strange beast.

the errors you see are issues handled gracefully by the mod parser (useful output rather than fatal errors).
javascript errors show up there in red and break the app silently (it just stops working).

A checkbox for each path seems useful (numbers for each path seems unnecessary.. you can see that easily enough on the table). I'll add that below the search box.

Right now I'm neatening code structure to faciliatate further expansion and options (and avoid future confusion).
thoughts and possibilities:

- toggleable options pane (perhaps the top right pane could expand/contract). extra buttons and filter options and suchlike could be here without cluttering the basic view.

- more columns.. would be cheap and easy to add but what would be useful? Armor & weapons seem too reliant on a wide variety of effects and stats for this to give a good idea of their capabilities (pointless for sorting). could have optional columns selected from a larger list but its perhaps not worth the clutter. reinvigoration and magic resistance maybe?

- improved search. could perhaps search on effects or other fields.. but too much would get expensive (slow).

- more filters fields. I'll add path filters. and maybe a drop down type filter (including missile weapons). I think additional columns woudl be better for most things (filtering on stats that aren't visible on the table seems oblique)
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