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Old March 14th, 2012, 01:14 PM

vargr vargr is offline
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Default Fear of the Dark – LA Game - Corinthian / Patala wins !

Game link:

Time to break my recent habit of playing blood / air nations only. I'm looking for moderately experienced players for a late age game.

Era: late age
Players: 8
Banned nations: R'lyeh, Ermor
Diplomacy: non-binding (item/gem trading is)
Map: Land of Legends modified
Mods: CBM 1.92
Graphs: on
HoF: 15
Magic sites: 45
All other settings default

Victory condition: last one standing or survivors concede

Hosting interval: 30h for turns 1-20, 48h for turns 21-50, 72h from there
Reasonable extensions will be granted if asked in time (>10 hrs before DL), PM me so I get the notice by mail.

If at some point you can't or don't want to continue playing, please don't chain stale or go AI yourself. I'll try to find a sub unless it's completely meaningless position. I would, however, encourage people to fight until the end.

Avoid the exploits (scout blocking, Bogus orders, lab flooding etc)


1. vargr – C'tis
2. Hurmio - Pangaea
3. ghoul31 - Agartha
4. odeoderok - Man
5. HoleyDooley - Ulm
6. mattyburn7 - Bogarus
7. Corinthian - Patala
8. tratorix - Atlantis

Land of Legens .map -file with #nostart in the island and some of the bad starts removed as well. Uses the normal landoflegends.tga image
Attached Files
File Type: rar landoflegendsModified.rar (1.9 KB, 281 views)

Last edited by vargr; April 30th, 2012 at 09:51 AM..
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