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Old March 14th, 2012, 04:51 PM

Excist Excist is offline
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Default Re: Hinnom (EA, no mods): Ba'al's or Melqarts

Well, Ba'als are probably the only non-Pretender that can teleport in and mentally dominate an entire army with the right equipment.

Here's a fun recipe I just thought of:
1st Ba'al: rune smasher, robe of magi, astral cap, communion master matrix, eye of the void

Cast hellpower, master enslave

3 supporting Ba'als cast power of the spheres (another one with a communion master matrix) & communion slave *2 and all equipped with the cheaper +S equipment.

The master Ba'als should be at S9 after the first round and the slaves at S5 or 6 depending on where they are in the turn order

The 2nd master Ba'al can cast reinvigorate and then both masters spam the single target mind controls to pick up any high quality targets and then the communion can cast returning to pop back to the capital hopefully before any horrors show up.

This should effectively take control of or destroy most any army for a reasonable cost of 30 astral gems and a few slaves.

In vanilla, 30 clams will let you do that every turn.
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