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Old March 14th, 2012, 07:10 PM
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Shardphoenix Shardphoenix is offline
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Default Re: Hinnom (EA, no mods): Ba'al's or Melqarts

Well, Ba'als are probably the only non-Pretender that can teleport in and mentally dominate an entire army with the right equipment.
Marverni druids. You don`t even need a communion there, just two druids (one of them with Banner of the Northern Star). One (with cap, coin, crystal shield, Void Eye and Rune Smasher) casts Master Enslave, another (with banner) casts Ritual of Returning. If you like, you may even add Wraith crown on second one for a chaff screen and some armor on both for extra durability/mr.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
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