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Old March 14th, 2012, 11:39 PM
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Default Re: What Could Go Wrong (Newbie MA CBM1.92) [Uploading Pretenders]

Originally Posted by name thief View Post
I still am not satisfied with my pretender. Isn't that just terrible? I must have changed it half a dozen times. And I want to change him again... I should have used a Wyrm.
I often feel the same way. It doesn't help that one of my friends is a veteran dom3 player always willing to tell me that my pretender design sucks. The one I am currently using... sucks. Also I clearly have no idea about certain MA independents, having never ever played MA -- hence you may have noticed the dip in my army size a couple of turns ago.

MA C'tis is also.... weird. I think the miasma does more harm to me than to anyone else. Not being able to recruit independents is rather painful, even if apparently *all* the independents I could recruit are currently stupid nature mages I can already do better than.

Also, sorry for being an obnoxious stickler, but since we're in turn 7 already can we really change the thread status to 'in progress' rather than 'uploading pretenders'?

Last edited by megawidget; March 14th, 2012 at 11:47 PM..
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