Well, I have an olde school mindset in everything in life. So it's no surprise that I like this game

Roberta Williams said that computer games were for patient people, and it's why I liked them to begin with, they were so different from the arcade and console games. Of course today with computers being more wide spread, the games have changed too on a wide scale, and they now resemble console gameplay more than anything. So I was happy when I found the Dominions games

I've been playing Dominions 3 for around nearly a year now. I really like the descriptions in the game, it gives way to my imagination. I like games like Betrayal at Krondor and Darklands. They provide good text and just enough graphics so you can use your imagination. I also like the graphics in Dominions 3, and that's no joke. My favourite graphics of all time is in Heroes of Might and Magic 2 for example, so something being shiny doesn't mean better for me.
I mostly played against the computer, but I also played a few games with friends. I haven't played multiplayer with the community at large yet, and I doubt I will. Maybe it's just bad luck, but whenever I play multiplayer in a game, it seems to be filled with jerks that cuss at you or say vile things. Or mayhaps I don't have the mindset for multiplayer with strangers on the internet. I'm not saying the multiplayer community in Dominions is bad, just my experience in every game I tried to play in.
It's a good game, I have lots of fun playing it

. I generaly play not to min and max, or be the best, but to role play my side with barbaric romanticism, even if it's just against the A.I.
Katie, an olde fashioned mind in a young body