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Old March 18th, 2012, 04:53 PM
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samoht samoht is offline
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Default Re: MP etiquette-going AI

I've only played a couple MP games, so I'm sort of in the same boat as you as far as experience is concerned, parone. One of my games, after getting off to a great start, I was quickly and brutally pushed back to my capital. I've spent more than half the game besieged in my capital.

It was by far the best MP learning experience I've had. I have practically no hope of overcoming my current situation, but it has helped me a ton. I've been able to learn a lot about efficiency in research, summoning, and forging. All stuff it might have taken me a lot longer to realize or learn through games where I was doing better. Its worth sticking it out to the bitter end, IMO.
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