Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]
Bone Daddy requires an answer to the following question:
A certain dastardly nation that will go unnamed (but whose troops enjoy long, cold walks on the beach and are exceedingly ugly) has recently, and malevolently seized one of my fortresses of peace-loving undead -- destroying all of my troops in the process. This was quite traumatic because many of those troops were still getting over their original deaths (it's hard to be undead sometimes).
Anyway, this nation is rather formidable and I'm having complications in stopping them. When you read our AAR you'll understand why, but suffice it to say they are not an undead friendly bunch.
They are quite close to our capital, but fortunately, the all-knowing and all-powerful Bone Daddy has a brilliant plan: He's going to send waves of attacks at the occupied fortress from every direction to force these amphibians into smaller contingents if they have any hope to advance. This will, hopefully, make them more bite-sized and complicate their supply situation, but we're not sure if this violates any game rules since it can be construed as a type of blocking, albeit conditional blocking. Is this a legitimate tactic?