Originally Posted by legowarrior
Yeah, I love the T'ien Ch'i for the most part.
What are good ways to get into Astral? Any decent summons that would allow a non astral nation (but with an astral pretender if necessary) get some astral access?
Not too many options unfortunately. With D magic you can get specters who have 2x 25% of having S. With D and E magic as well as a wasteland province you can cast Hidden in Sand. (excellent spell anyways) wich has a chance of giving you 0, 1 or 2 Dust priests who each have 33% chance of having 2S. And... that's about it really. (There's Golems and Ether Lords too, but they're massively expensive for 'just' breaking into S magic, and they both require S magic to cast.) S is one of the harder paths to break into.