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Old March 22nd, 2012, 07:11 PM
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Default Re: Best 0-4 level combat itens?

Originally Posted by TigerBlood View Post
4 Wave Breaker
4 Snake Bladder Stick
2 Shambler Armour
0 Raw Hide Shield
4 Flambeau
4 Wall Shaker
4 Winged Shoes
2 Birch Boots
4 Elemental Armour
4 Crystal/Slave Matrix
Wave Breaker - only useful underwater, but you have a point.
Shamble Armour - how do you use it? i could not find a good use for it..
Raw Hide Shield - seriously? you find it is worth the gems?
Flambeau - Agreed that it is a good item, but i think the gem price is too high.
Wall Shaker - i find it too niche...
Winged Shoes - strategically useful, but is flight really useful enough to justify it in combat?
Birch Boots - I find Boots of the Messenger a much better alternative.
Elemental Armour - You are right... the elemental protections make it a really good item... i´ll add to my list
Crystal/Slave Matrix - Only useful if you make heavy use of communions and i find most communions too easy to disrupt...
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