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Old March 23rd, 2012, 08:01 AM

parone parone is offline
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Default Re: Best 0-4 level combat itens?

i know take that into account here.

but one of my favorite combos at low level is this

barbarian commander(cheap, easy to find, natural stregnth of 13)

thunder bow
eye of aiming
boots of giant stregnth
bundled with a mage who casts earth might
possibly bear claw talisman

if he is firing at high value targets(giants, cav, even casters) this guy is nasty nasty nasty.

of course, even with forge bonus, you have 6A and 6E in him. and really, you should put a bit of armor on him so you don't lose him to an arrow or two.

but if you were playing vanilla with d hammers, he'd be even cheaper.
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