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Old March 23rd, 2012, 12:45 PM

momfreeek momfreeek is offline
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Default Re: momfreeek's new magic item browser!

Originally Posted by Shangrila00
The Bone Armor just acts as if you cast the soul vortex spell. It's wierd how with items that grant spell effects, sometimes it autocasts the spell turn zero, like the crystal shield, while othertimes like bone armor, it just grants the effect without actually casting. In practice the effect is exactly the same, with the only difference being that autocasting items can autocast into forced communions with master and slave crystals, which realistically is way too expensive to actually do. I don't know why the game bothers having 2 ways of handling the same thing.
I see, thanks. I guess "onebattlespell: Soul Vortex" is close enough. I'll put a note in the data that its not actually cast but it doesn't seem distinct enough to warrant displaying.

@Soyweiser: seems I missed that. I'd already mentally filed it under 'unexplained' once I got round to checking pages manually.

project status
I consider the item browser to be stable (just bugfixes and corrections).

I started a new branch with support for spells and units. Neither are useful as a reference yet, mod commands are not yet implemented at all and progress will be slower. Its here if you want to take a look:

The idea is that you can switch between the 3 tables with some shared search options. pinned overlays persist across all tables and it should be simple enough to cross reference between tables (so summon spells will link to the monster summoned, etc).

If anyone knows where I can find a list of spell effects that extends those in the modding manual that'd be very useful.
The spreadsheet on this page was useful for decifering flags:

Last edited by momfreeek; March 23rd, 2012 at 01:12 PM..
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