Originally Posted by Larz
- No diplomacy
- No recruiting Indies (including Mercenaries and any sites that may have slipped through your mod).
Yes, that's right. Thanks for the reminder as I wanted to especially repeat the part about no mercenaries since many people are so used to using them they may recruit them without thinking. Once again: no mercs!
Originally Posted by Larz
Also, are we going to have any victory conditions? Last one standing/consensus? Number of caps held?
I was planning on going with the last man standing/consensus approach. I haven't been too fond of the caps as VPs system we used in Myth. Seems like it just resulted in people taking turns getting dogpiled as they got too many caps. Also, if someone thinks they can pull off a long term strategy with relatively few provinces I'd like that option available rather than forcing them into war to stop someone else from getting caps.