In the next (and hopefully final) version of the MA Jomon mod, I'll be sure to make the two .dm files visibly distinct from the Dominions 3 mod preferences menu. That said, if you right click on a mod from that menu, it'll show you a description. The one you want is "MA Jomon as an entirely new nation" and not "MA Jomon - LA Jomon Overwrite with Underwater PD".
So, we have all eight players now. Excellent! We'll need to find a map that can support 7 land nations and 1 water nation. That means something on the order of 70 land and 10 water provinces for a tight game OR 105 land and 15 water for a game with more elbow room. How about the Desert Eye (108 land, 17 sea)? I'm playing on that map in another game and enjoying it. If you don't already have the map, you can download it here (
Beyond that, I figure pretty typical settings for the game:
Age - Middle
Independent Strength - 5
Research - default
Magic Sites - default
Money - default
Resources - default
Supplies - Default
Random Events - Default (which is Common)
Re-naming - On
Score Graphs - On
Hall Of Fame - 15