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Old March 25th, 2012, 02:08 PM

Mightypeon Mightypeon is offline
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Default Re: Man: A Bless nation in CBM 1.92?

My bless works out quite well so far. F9 would be sub par as Wardens have scant issues with dealing damage. Water 9 is interesting but gives serious fatigue issues. D9 is more of a point, as it opens up D, but I would prefer that one sacreds with multiple attacsk to be honest. S9 does not help much, Mans sacreds are usually tough enough to take a hit.
A9 and N9 are obviously sub par.
E9 gives them Ulmish prot while being fatigue neutral, and allows them to wade through a lot of even good stuff without taking a scratch. In that goongame, lack of attrition allowed me to through about 300 Wardens on Machaka on turn 30, after previously winning an early limited war against Shinuyama.
I would have prefered E9N4, but simply couldnt find the points.
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