Originally Posted by legowarrior
Technically, since each crone is independent of the crone before her, your chance at any one time of getting A4 is always going to be 1.5%. On the other hand, using binomial distribution of getting at least 1 a4 in the first 25 turns is 31%, which is still pretty low.
Yes, that
is how I calculated it.
So, the point is, as man you need to break into A4 right? You can try to get a Crone with A4, you can have have A4 on your pretender, you can try for S4 to get the rings, or you can get either A4/E4 or F4/W4 for the staff. Does that sum it up?
Which bless would work best with Man is a secondary question to this. If we can find a Bless that will get us the Air Booster we desire, wouldn't we be one step closer to an effective bless strategy for man? Than we have to find a Chassis that will do that for us.
I do rather like F4W4 myself, as a part of a general minor bless. You can take a sleeping Archdruid with F4W4E4N4 with a bonus D2 and A2 for dom6 and plus 2 scales.
Wardens are kind of hard to heavy bless for. The only thing obvious is E9 for neutral fatigue and super heavy armor. None of the others are obviously beneficial, since they are very tough for a human, but not nearly as tough as giants, pretty high encumbrance, and very hard hitting with only a single attack.