Originally Posted by jimbojones1971
Originally Posted by Lung Drago
Is it just me or do we have provinces that potentially border +-3 capitols at once due to sea lanes?
That would certainly be ... interesting. I am not sure if this is the case or not - I would guess it depends on the Dom3 algorithm for placing capitals and how close the capitals can be to each other.
All I did with this map was to run a filter over the top to set any land province with less than four land neighbors to be a no-start area, and the same for sea provinces with sea neighbors.
Fingers crossed it works out OK!
Hate to be a doomsayer, but I have a bad feeling. I can't say for everyone, but I already neighbor a capitol. It's 2 provinces away (unless Agartha managed to build a fort-temple in 5 turns). Yomi neighbors mine, almost from two sides actually. That's a useful little sea-lane backdoor I must say. Yomi conquered those Vines indies thanks to an awake pretender. Hate to be QQ'ing, but it doesn't take a genius to divine that Yomi has a considerable chance to one shot my capitol right this turn. The same thing propably applies for Agartha. Quickest game ever? Well, of course the sieging will take ages, but still it itches me the wrong way.
I cannot help but feel that this map isn't particularly tailored for my pretender build
I understand Yomi employed an effective rush strategy, but I doubt the most pro player could ever do better in my position, at least from my experience you don't conquer dark vine indies with usual starting armies. I wonder where is Yomi capitol, if I managed to conquer that particular province somehow, would the situaton be reversed?
EDIT: I still feel bad about myself here, but I hope you understand that a guy who thought 3 provinces are too close is stabbed in the back once he discovers the gaps are 2 provinces here

That's insane...if this applies for the whole map, then I can say, if you picked the "right" direction you could just carved yourself a quick line to early capitol siege.