Starting up an EA game for all noobs

. Or in general inexperienced players. Lets say at least under 10 games. the settings are below, I will randomly determine your nation. This will encourage learning a new army, and to not power play what you currently know how to.:
Game parameters:
Players: 10
Map: Shadowshore
Mods: CBM 1.92
Magic site freq: 50
Renaming On
Graph On
Hall of Fame 15
Everything else set as default
Turn length: Initially 30h/turn. Will expand in later game
Diplomacy: Anything goes
Winner: Last man standing
Game exploits forbidden, bla bla bla.
Planning on hosting the Game on llamaserver
DarkAvenger211 - C'tis
Angry_Hominid - Hinnom
Meinberg - Hellheim
Aderion - Pangea
Adam J - Maverni
Lunaje - Abysia
HoleyDooley - Lanka
Peacekeeper - Fomoria
Shardphoenix - T'ien Ch'i
shard - Atlantis
Game link:
Map download: