Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Our mighty god, El Gato Grande, "The big Cat", "The mighty purrer", and "he who enjoys long, long naps" has an important message to all the faithful, who support him in his holy crusade against the foul lizard-men, C'tis, and their side-kicks, Sauromatia.
Despite what you may see in the score graphs, our war has been a great, rousing success. We have absolutely no need for assistance and want to assure everyone that you may go about your lives in peaceful ignorance to the great struggle that's being fought for your very souls by your just and loyal Emorian protectors.
The joy we feel in our hearts is payment enough for this opportunity to protect everyone from this slithering menace. Please don't be concerned if you see some of our forces moving into our fortresses. There is a holy holiday coming up and our mighty army has earned a break to spend with their loves ones, but rest assured, your safety is in good hands and we'll be returning to the field soon. Despite what some rumors have said, we are NOT retreating before an unholy horde of Sauromancers and poison spitting dragons. That's just not how we do things in Ermor.
And to poor Hinnom, who was defeated by a monstrosity so evil that our scout still can't fully recount it without sobbing uncontrollably, we tried to stand bravely by your side. However, the combined might of Lizard and Amazon slowed down our inexorable advance before we could reach your capital in time. Although I'm sure we would have given a bit more time. A few lizards and women in thongs can't stop us! We'll avenge you! -- But not until after our holiday is over.
Also, we discount the reports of your giants eating their own children in the last days of the siege as propaganda from C'tis. Our scout only reported seeing some very hungry giants and large stew-pots, but we didn't actually see any children being eaten. Come to think of it, we didn't see any children at all, but I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for that.