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Old March 27th, 2012, 10:56 AM

Legendary League Legendary League is offline
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Default Re: Power Beyond Comprehension aka "My power is still raising!" newbie game - Open

Originally Posted by HoleyDooley View Post
I am mate. I have offers of NAPs out there.

I am not saying my position is unique in this game, I am sure, and well I have already read that others are in a similar predicament. My scout also confirms others are clashing very early.

Its kind of unexpected, that's what I am really saying, as to I am enjoying the game, so don't get wrong on that point. My point was, I'll go with the flow, but very happy to see what kind of empire I can carve out here, or how long till I am consigned to the history pages.

None the less, it does provide a unusual opportunity to fight early to stay alive.

Of course the score boards already show who has an easy run and is gobbling up the free territories. Just have to hope their neighbours are sensible enough put a stop to that ASAP.

I can assure you there isn't much room for expansion down my way, so if do come visiting better bring your war gear!

Appreciate the advice thx Rejakor.
But Swedish giants can't lose! Except against Danishmen, but that's besides the point! You don't border them do you? If so, please don't try and take Skane again. It wasn't fun being in the middle like that.

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