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Old March 27th, 2012, 12:19 PM
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Default Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log

Originally Posted by Legendary League View Post
Question: is there a way for the baron to change where the annual levies spawn (for example, I had a start where I was stuck in the south, with a river forcing me to move through two cannibal village squares before I can get to plains, which makes levies a pain in the arse to move, while it would be infinitely more convenient for it to be raised in the city outside that damnable position).
Oh my goodness I wish there was an option to do that, but I'm afraid there isn't.

The baron is one of my favorite classes to play, but the problem you described is easily one of the biggest limits on his power. The only thing I could think of doing would be hoping to get a pyromancer so you could burn down the forests surrounding your starting castle, but I don't know if that effects cannibal villages (probably not), and I know it won't help if you're stuck behind mountains or swamps.
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