Re: Multi-Player After Action Report (uploading pretenders)
So I was going to write up a short bit of fluff- a paragraph or two of flavor text, just to give new players an idea of what Marverni is all about. I managed everything but the 'short' part. >_>
If excessive RP/fiction bothers you, read the tl;dr at the end.
Listen well, and remember my words. I am Ulrak, servant to the great King Roland, and I speak of our history.
In times past, there was but one tribe. The oldest songs of our people speak of a Great Sundering, the time when the Carnutes and the Sequani and the Ambibates went forth and found their own lands, leaving only a few of us to carry the ancient name of Marverni, but not even the wisest of the Sequani can sing of why it happened.
Tribe warred against tribe for generations beyond counting. Much of what we once were was lost in those times- indeed, many songs have faded from this world, for there are none who live who know them. Even the Eponi, the Horse Lords, only bear fragments of what our people once had. The tapestry of sound that was Marverni- who we are- grew dull and threadbare.
Even in the darkest times, there was always hope. All of Marverni remembered the legends of the High King- the King Under The Mountain. It came to be said that once the Five Great Tribes lived as one- once Carnute and Eponi, Ambibate and Marverni and Sequani, became one people once more- the King would rise again, and lead his children to greatness.
It was because of that legend that one young man rose to become King of the Marverni. His followers girded themselves with chainmail, the blessing of the sleeping High King, against which the fury of the wild Carnutes broke. Their numbers overwhelmed the fearsome Ambibates, for even the greatest of warriors cannot fight forever. Only the mighty Eponi stood between the young King and his goal.
The war dragged on for many years, each side waxing and waning in turn. In time, the Sequani, wisest of the tribes, returned to the Marverni. Though few in number, their druids turned the tide against the Horse Lords, and the people were once again one.
I was once Ulrak, son of Uther of the Marverni. I became Ulrak Swiftblade in the Carnute War, and grew to be called Ulrak Strongarm by the Ambibates. The Eponi King made me Ulrak One-Eye, before I tore his head from his shoulders. Now, I am Ulrak the Mind-Hunter, King of all the Marverni. The time of High King Roland's coming draws near. Be ready.
tl;dr: Marverni- bunch of tribes, based on Gaul (Caesar's time). Some horses, druids, and berserkers. Oh, and my pretender's name is King Roland.